Social Media Content Analysis

number of posts


Interesting Facts

Word cloud

Estimated Reach

Sentiment Ratio

successful posts

Top Locations

OnlineControl is working with it`s in house optimized software solutions to get the most available details of all Social Media content to the client. We not only track mentions, impressions, reach and engagement, but also track and analyze comments written by individual users about your project. This makes OnlineControl unique.

Example numbers of your project

0 K
Social Media activities / postings
0 M
estimated reach
0 M
0 %
Positive sentiment
0 K
Mentions in total
Additionally, we deliver key numbers such as Top Influencers, Top countries of engagement, top languages as well as most engaging posts, top posts and other facts and figures related to the project

Personalized Reporting

We deliver a personalized report that can be further customized and downloaded to track your progress offline, regardless if it’s the whole season or just one event that you are interested in.

Tracking your digital activities

We are tracking the digital activities related to your project on all relevant platforms by

Grilling your followers

Additionally we keep an eye on your followers and can tell you how your content and/or your event is considered and perceived by your target group! 

Our inhouse optimized software solution gets all available details by tracking and analyzing comments written by individual users about your project!

Social logos

We are tracking all social media videos related to your project and analyze the value of the integrated commercial logos.

Best Case Study

OnlineControl is currently supporting a new digital race series which is just about to start.
We are tracking the distribution of all their content and analyze the value of the integrated Social Logos what will help them to get an understanding of which channels, which athletes, which news, etc. are the most relevant.
Combining the Social Logos with the Digital Noise of their presence, we are able to provide them with detailed facts and figures to present to their potential partners and sponsors.